祈禱有那麼一天, 我也可以跟你一起禱告.
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" 1. Prayer opens communication- Niall and I have found that as we spend time in prayer together (each morning and evening), we spend more time just chatting with each other before and after. Some of our best conversations come after times of prayer. If we’ve prayed and gotten our hearts right with the Lord, we are free to communicate honestly, humbly and lovingly with one another.
2. Prayer makes us vulnerable- When you speak to God, you are baring your heart, soul and mind to the Creator who sees and knows all. Sitting with our spouse as they do this and we do eliminates barriers that might exist in regular speaking with each other. Being vulnerable and open with your spouse is essential to building trust and affection.
3. Prayer is a reflection of what is in our heart of hearts- This builds on point two. Are you wondering what’s on your husband’s mind? Pray with him and find out, as you listen to him sharing it with the Lord. Do you wish he had a window into your soul? Again, prayer can be that window for your husband.
4. Prayer unites us to God and each other- As we seek the Lord, we are drawing near to Him. If two people are drawing near to God, they are simultaneously drawing nearer to one another as well.
5. Prayer focuses our priorities- Our relationship with God must always be our first priority in life. When we put the Lord first as a couple by setting apart specific time for prayer together, we are saying that God matters the most in our marriage. The Lord will honor a couple who makes this commitment.
6. Prayer sanctifies us- Have you ever allowed your sin to cloud your relationship with God throughout the day? I am ashamed to admit this is the case with me all too often. When I sit down with Niall at the end of the day for prayer, many times I’ve said, “Honey, why don’t just you pray tonight.” This really means, “Honey, I’m not right with the Lord and don’t think I can talk to Him right now.” Fortunately my husband is wise enough to understand. His gentle prodding helps me to repent and restore my relationship to the Lord through audible prayer. The Lord has used my husband as a tool for sanctification in my life through prayer.
I urge you to commit to praying with your husband daily! Just see if it doesn’t draw you closer to your husband and closer to the Lord.
“You have said, ‘Seek my face.’ My heart says to you, ‘Your face, Lord, do I seek.’”