Guess what ! SalaaMao with new recruits went overseas together once more !   

Genting was hell load of fun for us, not cause there are awesome attractions or what but it was all about the companions !

So we went Genting to experience the lifestyle of high rollers over again ! 

We went to this pub in right in middle of the indoor river-ride thingy, and the treatment we get as high rollers were definitely different ! Like shiok only ! LOL 

We hang around in the pub from like .. 9 ? to 3+ am. starting there was 13 then 9 lastly down to 4... 

The guys created a hell of mess, we broke like 5 glasses and worst still a hole in one the tower we got. The person nv even charge us for the damages ! 

We spend like coming to 1.2k ringgit and the staff can't be more happy to see us breaking their glasses. We were like getting alot attention from around us 

cause of some super high dudes like Manish, Raj and the horny Kenni ! hahaha Lek lek was like telling me that a few pimps were targetting us from distance.

On the 2nd day a few of us went to see the Ripley's and we were like stuck just right at the entrance taking photos like for 5mins ! 

Oh ya before you guys find it weird why the pose in the photos we took are so.... wrong ? Trust me its not what you think. lol Those hands on ppl's chest are 

new moves call Hands of Kenni ! lol long story.... 

Enjoy the photos ! More will be coming soon !!!! 

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