还不错的一天 :) 今天很早就爬起来到学校练习一下我们的演讲台词。。有时候阿,就认为自己真的很勤劳 !而且是过度勤劳!哈哈哈

午餐时间,虽然没有看到她,可是还很愉快!因为我们跟mr tan ban seng一起吃饭!出乎意料的是我得到cp marks 哈哈哈!!!酷吧我的老师!!哈哈 mr tan 叫我举办chalet!他特别吩咐我说捧场的人都有cp marks ! 我说的句句实言哦!不信可以问问在场的人!哈哈

下课后,大家一起去庆祝jojo的生日!哈哈 BBQ!!超好吃的啦!哈哈 也因为这样,发生了我人生的第一次。。。第一次在走廊唱生日歌还有吃蛋糕!哈哈


To MA warriors :

holidays are coming and of cos, its time for me to organise some activities for the class EXCEPT that there are something special this time round ! MR TAN BAN SENG will be sort of in the "planning commitee" ! i swear to God that what im saying is true !

the theme of this chalet is REWIND, REJUVENATE and RECHARGE ! why the 3 R's ? rewind and remind urself of the fun times we had tgt as a class for the past semester, rejuvenate urself and of cos ! recharge for the new comin term !

the tentative date for this class chalet will be 30 Dec to 1 Jan @ coasta sands pasir ris ! there will be no BBQ and everyone will be needed to bring a dish to the chalet ! POTLUCK !!!

for those who are present on that day, Mr Tan Ban Seng will award u CP pts ! ( i swear to God this is true, dun believe go to MA class page)

this time round there will be no disappointment ! everyone will be playin a part to make this a success ! feel free to come to me or lek wei for more details !

i will keep u guys posted for further changes which i dun think will happen ! :)


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