liverpool jus sucks to the core man ! a group of ah bengs playin football ! fuckin foul and fuckin stupid group of ppl wif absolutely no skills in soccer except for pullin of Man U players' jersey ! come on lar liver-poo fans ! U n ur liver-poo jus sucks can ! a group of loser who alws come up wif lame excuse (the beachball incident). u guys dun even noe how to play soccer cos u can even trip on ur own leg n call for a foul. worst still u still got the fuckin thick face to claim the free kick ! u guys seriously think tat u all can lift the trophy this seaon ?! Oh pls do u guys noe tat liver-poo got another losin streak comin ?

The Red Devils' flag will stil fly high and revenge on march 20,2010 will be sweet !


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